Poets&Quants Top Business Schools

Emory University Goizueta Business School


Contact Georgina Hannah with any questions. Profile updated: January 23, 2024.

Contact Information

1300 Clifton Rd
Atlanta, GA 30322
Admissions Office:

Tuition & Fees In-State: $299,420*

Tuition & Fees Out-of-State: $299,420*

Average Salary: $85,315

Graduates With Jobs 90 Days After Graduation: 94%

International: 18%

Minority: 18%

First generation college students: 16%

When do students declare their majors: Junior Year

Acceptance Rate: 13%

Average SAT: 1,465

Average ACT: 33

Average GPA: 3.82

HS Class Top Ten: 61%**

*The total cost of the degree over four years for the most recent graduating class inclusive of school fees, room, board, or living expenses.

** HS Class Top Ten is the percent of the student population that graduated high school in the top ten percent of their class.

*** Please note that these statistics are provided for the business school major only whenever possible. If a school does not track these statistics separately, then the university-wide statistics are provided.

The Goizueta Business School at Emory University maintained their No. 13 place from last year’s rankings in this year’s 2023 rankings of the best undergraduate business programs. 

The Atlanta-based business school is one of few remaining two-year undergraduate programs in which Emory students have to apply to Goizueta as sophomores. This year’s incoming class of students experienced a more selective acceptance rate as compared to last year’s – at 12.60% compared to 16% for last year’s class. They boasted an average SAT score of 1465, up over 20 points from last year’s average of 1441.

Goizueta students have access to the rich cultural hub of Atlanta, home to several Fortune 500 companies and dynamic startups. Through a number of experiential learning courses, Goizueta students are given a variety of opportunities to apply their studies to solve real-world issues and leave a positive impact. Being in Atlanta, it’s not surprising Goizueta students have strong employment outcomes year after year. Some 95% of the Class of 2023 secured a business-focused internship before graduation, down just a few points from the already robust average score of 96.05% for the previous class. 

A total of 93.88% of the Class of 2023 landed a full-time position by the time of graduation, down just a bit from the previous year’s rate of 96%.

The average starting salary for 2023 grads was $85,315 – up a bit from the previous year’s $80,973. Overall, the average salary for Goizueta grads is higher than other prominent Atlanta-area business schools including Georgia Tech’s Scheller College (average $82,884) and University of Georgia’s Terry School (average $68,828).

All in all, the Goizueta education offers students unique access to the rich cultural hub of Atlanta and a variety of opportunities to apply their business skills and make a real impact on the world around them. Students looking for an established and traditional B-school setting with a flair for entrepreneurship and innovation, should definitely consider Emory’s Goizueta School.


As a two-year program, students spend the first two years of their undergraduate education fulfilling liberal arts requirements before officially starting business courses. Once in the business school, the Goizueta curriculum requires students to complete at least one primary “area of depth” which include: Accounting, Finance, Information Systems & Operations Management, Marketing, and Strategy & Management Consulting. Each area of depth consists of a set of core courses and four electives. 

Alumni say:

“I worked on a consulting project with a local non-profit organization as part of my Catalyzing Social Impact class at Goizueta. It was an integral part of my education and allowed me to put theory into practice and work on deliverables that mirrored what would be asked of me on the job. I also was able to collaborate with a wonderful group of classmates and it was an extremely memorable class for all of us.”

One of my classes revolves around managing over $4 million of the school’s endowment. We split it up amongst the class and each were personally responsible to invest over $100K as we saw fit. Not only was it very exciting and educating, but it served as a very good talking point in interviews. Of all the points on my resume, the responsibility of managing that much money got lots of attention from employers. Also, it helped me decide that I wanted to do something similar for a career since it was so enjoyable.”

“GIMG (Goizueta Investment Management Group) – Having the opportunity to make real world investments and speak to the experience in an interview helped me to stand out from other applicants and showed my “experience” beyond just theory in the classroom.”

“I conducted an independent study project with one of my business professors (Tom Smith in the Finance department). He taught me in the Sports Finance course. I enjoyed the experience and subject matter so much that I expanded a project from that course into a semester-long research project. He was an incredible mentor and phenomenal resource throughout that process.”

“The most integral class I took was Marketing Consulting Practicum (MCP). I did hands-on work with a client and learned how to operate at a professional level and produce high-quality insights with a team. My confidence grew significantly, and I still view that experience as the turning point of my early career.”