2018 Best & Brightest: Julie Kessler, Bowling Green

Julie Kessler

Bowling Green University

“Future Supply Chain VIP passionate about good people, beautiful places, and prosperous women in business.”

Fun fact about yourself: I was goalkeeper and ‘capitaine’ of EM Strasbourg Business School’s women’s soccer team during an academic year abroad in France.

Hometown: Springboro, OH

High School: Springboro High School

Major: BSBA specialized in Supply Chain Management, International Business & Management and a BA in European Management from EM Strasbourg Business School

Favorite Business Course: Dr. Dobryzkowski’s MGMT 4450 Demand Driven Supply Chain Planning and Operations – We worked through The Fresh Connection simulation, and ended every single class with hands in for a class collective “Go Falcons!” cheer on three.

Extracurricular Activities, Community Work and Leadership Roles During College:

Extracurricular Activities:

  • Intramural Sports and GroupX classes
  • Supply Chain Management Association
  • Honors Scholars Learning Community
  • Mediation Team

Community Work:

  • Makers for Change Refugee Inclusion Outreach, Project Lead, Strasbourg, FR
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, Participant
  • Habitat for Humanity, Volunteer
  • Maurer Center Steering Committee, Student Representative
  • Peer Leader, Incoming College of Business Freshman Mentor
  • Dean’s Scholar, Scholarship cohort serving College of Business recruitment

Leadership Roles:

  • Dean’s Advisory Council on Diversity & Inclusion (DACODI), Communication & Public Relations Committee Chair
  • College of Business Student Ambassador, DACODI Project Team Lead
  • Honors Learning Community, Honors Fellow

Awards and Honors:

  • Award of High Distinction Scholarship, August 2014 – May 2018
  • Honors College, August 2014 – May 2018
  • Dean’s List, Bowling Green, OH, August 2014 – December 2017
  • Presidential Volunteer Award, 2016
  • INADR International Mediation Competition Semifinalist, November 2015
  • Dean’s Scholar Award, Bowling Green, OH August 2014 – May 2015
  • College of Business Student Engagement Award, May 2015

Where have you interned during your college career?

  • Owens Corning, Toledo, OH, Supply Chain Intern
  • Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity, Toledo, OH, Volunteer Management Intern

Where will you be working after graduation? Owens Corning, Supply Chain Leadership Program Participant

Who is your favorite professor? Wow, there are too many to choose from. Dr. Jan Hartley is my most favorite professor because of her devotion to student success. I have much respect and appreciation for Dr. Hartley. She challenges her students with high intensity real-world projects, but she is a kind, supportive professor who fosters a great environment for learning.

What advice would you give to a student looking to major in a business-related field? The opportunities with a business degree are endless, so I would say definitely go for it… just make sure you find an area of business you’re passionate about. Also, start working diligently now to improve your interpersonal skills; you will find them invaluable to your success.

“If I didn’t major in business, I would be majoring in or studying…Occupational Therapy, or a similar care-related field where I could enable people to live better, more comfortable lives.

What has surprised you most about majoring in business? While studying business, I have been most surprised by the opportunities I have to pursue diverse interests in my career with a business degree. The amount of freedom I have to choose a career path that works for me is astonishing!

Which academic, extracurricular or personal achievement are you most proud of? Earning my dual degree in European Management from EM Strasbourg is my proudest achievement, but not so much for the degree itself as for the experience it afforded me. At twenty years old, I started my lifelong journey of becoming a more global citizen. The adventures, the friendships, and the learnings are takeaways I am proud to cherish.

If you were a dean for a day, what one thing would you change about the business school? Free snacks for everyone in the Dean’s Office! Just kidding, we already have those…. If I were dean for a day, I would encourage students and faculty to collaborate more on industry research. Done well, this is a symbiotic relationship that would push both our graduates and our faculty to further success.

Which classmate do you most admire? Philip Rich. I admire Phil most for his work ethic, his selfless ambitions, and his unwavering motivation. He has been one of my close friends throughout undergrad, and his discipline creates time for intentional friendships on top of an exigent workload. Phil is going places, and he’ll deserve every ounce of the success he realizes.

Who would you most want to thank for your success? My parents and my awesome roommates, including the Portuguese one, are people whose love and care has transformed me into every ounce of who I am today. The biggest thanks has to go to my parents, who are unwavering in their support; they are the two most selfless people I know. Next, my lovely roommates here in Bowling Green who have kept me sane, kept me honest, and kept me fun despite the craziness all throughout college. Finally, Francisca, my roommate in Strasbourg, one of the most thoughtful and impassioned people I’ve ever met, for helping make Europe a second home. I have infinite gratitude for these people.

What would your theme song be? Girl on Fire” – Alicia Keys (because I’m just a girl, but I’m on fire)

What are the top two items on your bucket list?

  • Visit my friends in Brazil and Colombia before I turn 25
  • Open Dockside, a lakeside marina coffee shop, with my roommate and best friend, Kelsey

Favorite book: Sweetbitter by Stephanie Danler

Favorite movie: Remember the Titans

Favorite vacation spot: “Deer Camp” in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan or Venice Beach, FL

What are your hobbies? Bodypump classes, reading, backpacking, traveling, lake living, and spending time with friends and family

What made Julie Kessler such an invaluable member of the Class of 2018?

“Julie Kessler is among the brightest, most motivated supply chain management students with whom I have ever interacted. She not only fully embraced her studies in SCM, but enriched the experience of her fellow students as a clear leader in class. Julie’s engagement extends beyond the classroom to include leadership roles in student groups, tutoring other students, and an enormous appetite for industry involvement. In addition, she is personable and the kind of person you just want on your team. Given all of this, it came as no surprise to me that Julie received a lucrative employment offer from a Fortune 500 company, Owens Corning, well before graduation. Julie is not only a model student, but model supply chain professional. I look forward to watching her continued growth and development as she emerges as a supply chain leader!”

David Dobrzykowski, PhD
Associate Professor |Director, Supply Chain Management Institute