Nathan Perez
Providence College, School of Business
“I love debates/questioning contemporary morals and metaphysics more than sleep.”
Fun fact about yourself: I have seen the northern lights while camping in Iceland
Hometown: Lowell, Massachusetts
High School: Lowell Catholic
Major: Finance
Minor: Philosophy
Favorite Business Course: Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIF)
Extracurricular Activities, Community Work and Leadership Roles During College:
- Community Chair for Campus Ministry, 2019-2020
- Peer Minister 2017-2019
- President of Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA),
- Volunteer tutor at Year-Up, Fall 2019
- Orientation Leader 2017 & 2019
- 1st place in Michael Smith Ethics Competition, 2019
- Emerging Student Leader of the Year, 2017-2018
Where have you interned during your college career? PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) I interned in the summers of 2017, 2018, and 2019. During summer 2017, I was a Start Intern before becoming a Start Masters Intern in summer 2018. In summer 2019, I was a Transaction Services Intern in the Valuation practice.
Where will you be working after graduation? PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as an Associate in the Valuation practice
What company do you admire the most? I admire PwC the most because of their activism regarding diversity and inclusion. Learning about the firm’s strategic plan to improve racial equity – not only within itself but to other countries – is admirable. Taking the initiative to start CEO Action to have several hundred CEOs pledge to improve diversity not only for meeting a quota but for the betterment of companies is paramount. Also, PwC has been a pioneer in bringing difficult conversation like those of race into the workforce.
Who is your favorite professor? Dr. Paul Gondreau of the Theology Department is my favorite professor. He was my seminar professor for my first semester of Development of Western Civilization, which is a course that studies western civilization through Theology, Philosophy, Literature, and History. Dr. Gondreau was great at getting his students to generate difficult questions and then have his students answer them. He pushed his students to their capability and wanted to see every student learn as much as possible in every class.
What did you enjoy most about your business school? It was the opportunity to grow outside of the classroom. I was able to participate in several ethics competitions, attend multiple conferences for ALPFA, attend a symposium at Ohio State, and (best of all) I was able to lead a discussion with PwC Chairman, Tim Ryan, with other diverse business students centered around race.
What is the biggest lesson you gained from studying business? I learned that business leaders today have an incalculable responsibility to society and can truly help shape the trajectory of society for years to come. Studying business is not just about balancing a financial statement or maximizing profit, but it is about bettering the people around you and understanding the needs of people.
What advice would you give to a student looking to major in a business-related field? Never lose sight of the bigger picture when entering a business-related field. The best way to do this is to pair your business studies with a different discipline to round out your perspectives. Do not be afraid to ask questions about the bigger picture?
What has surprised you most about majoring in business? I was surprised by the variety of possibilities that comes from majoring in business. When I came into college, I did not understand how much business covers and the different areas people specialize in. When studying business, you can work in any industry and even work for nonprofits or choose to specialize in something specific.
Which academic, extracurricular or personal achievement are you most proud of? I am most proud to be an executive board member of ALPFA for the last 3 years. As a second semester freshman, I served on the executive board through the transition of becoming a club recognized by the business school. We had to do a complete overhaul of the club’s constitution and what it meant to be a part of ALPFA. While successfully completing this transition, the executive board was also able to acquire funding in order to send five to six students to the ALPFA convention every year. At this convention, members of ALPFA have been given the opportunity to recruit with companies and positions that are not readily available to Providence College students. We have had several students interview for investment banking, consulting positions, and more. As the only senior in the club, I have been most proud to see each member of the executive board and other members of the club attain internships.
Which classmate do you most admire? Alec DiCiaccio is the classmate I admire the most. Alec is the only other student from my high school (where he was valedictorian) to come to Providence with me. He is one of the hardest-working students that I know. He truly cares about learning and refuses to take short cuts because he believes that he is the only person losing out on that. Alec is selfless when helping people with schoolwork or as a leader on the campus. As a leader, he is a true inspiration on how to live a moral life and refusing to leave someone behind.
Who would you most want to thank for your success? I would have to thank my brother, Austin, for almost every success that I have had. He has always given me the best advice and helped guide me. Austin was instrumental in my transition to my college because I was not able to turn to my parents as they did not go to traditional four-year colleges. He was always my biggest cheerleader and encouraged me to take risks. I cannot thank him enough for everything he has taught me and encouraged me to do.
What are the top two items on your professional bucket list? I want to be able to start a financial literacy program for inner-city students and parents. I also want to be able to work internationally for at least a year to gain new experiences and develop my global acumen.
What are your hobbies? I enjoy playing, debating, and watching (specifically Manchester City) soccer, going on retreats, and spending time with friends.
What made Nathan such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2020?
“Nathan is an exceptional campus leader. He is intelligent, ethical, thoughtful, and professional; a student who continually demonstrates a passion for learning, and for developing his leadership skills. Nathan completed three summer internships at the prestigious professional services/accounting firm PwC, increasing his responsibilities each time. He participated in two business ethics case competitions, winning the most recent one in Fall 2019. The judges commented that Nathan’s group could have led a seminar on business ethics, a testament to his work as a finance major and philosophy minor. Nathan is currently president of the PC Chapter of the Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA), a Peer Minister, an Orientation Leader, and is actively involved with Campus Ministry, all while excelling in his academic studies. I have high expectations for Nathan, he will be a remarkable leader in the business community.”
Dr. Jacqueline Elcik
Associate Dean and Professor
Providence College School of Business