Rachael Haugh
Texas Christian University, Neeley School of Business
“Overcommitted but enjoying it.”
Fun fact about yourself: I would be the spellcheck spokesperson if they needed one.
Hometown: Portland, Oregon
High School: Oregon Episcopal School
Major: Double Majoring in Business Information Systems and Supply Chain Management
Emphasis (1 step down from a major): Leadership
Favorite Business Course: Leading in A Complex World taught by Dr. Uhl-Bien
Extracurricular Activities, Community Work and Leadership Roles During College:
- BNSF Neeley Leader
- Manager for TCU Women’s Basketball
- LeaderKids Mentor
- University Life Peer Guide
- Co-founder of Project Table for All (program addressing food insecurity in Fort Worth)
- Member of the Mental Health Awareness Committee
- Intramural sports: basketball, soccer, flag football
Where have you interned during your college career?
- TCU Athletic Marketing: Marketing Intern Fort Worth, TX
- O’Toole Transportation: Logistics Intern in Dublin, Ireland
- Dell Technologies: Global Operations intern within Indirect Procurement
Where will you be working after graduation? Dell Technologies, Austin Texas
What company do you admire the most? I believe what Dell stands for – driving human progress through technology – is a catalyst for improving the quality of life for all. Technology is one of the most powerful conduits for bringing positive change and I admire the innovative spirit the company embraces to live out its vision. Having experienced it first-hand in an internship, Dell places heavy emphasis on its social impact in the form of quantifiable goals. I am grateful to have moved from reading about Dell’s impact to help others to be someone who can help progress the company’s vision.
Who is your favorite professor? Dr. Mary Uhl-Bien.
One of the earliest memories I have of Dr. Uhl-Bien was in my first class of hers, Leading in a Complex World. Despite her many accomplishments in the field of complexity, as a true testament to her character, she told the class to call her Mary instead of Dr. Uhl-bien to remove any power distance between her and her students. What struck me most about Dr. Uhl-Bien was not only her ability to deliver engaging and energizing lectures, but the strength she showed through being vulnerable enough to share personal experiences and learnings from failures related to class content. She created a space where I felt empowered and eagerly anticipated her class each day.
She is a role model for me and I truly believe there is no question in which Dr. Uhl-Bien would not have the right answer.
What did you enjoy most about your business school? I have most enjoyed what I have learned and the time I was fortunate enough to spend with the members of BNSF Neeley Leadership. Through this program, cohorts take courses and labs together dedicated specifically to the study of leadership, along with attending corporate site visits, networking events, and traveling to further our leadership knowledge. I have a family of 30+ students and teachers who respect me fully for who I am, share common values and ambition, and support one another. Being constantly motivated by these driven, thoughtful, and ambitious people has been a steady force of positivity through college. What I’ve learned from the program will extend past my undergraduate years.
What is the biggest lesson you gained from studying business? Studying business has provided a glimpse into the versatility of what I can do after earning a business degree. Although I will enter into a supply chain oriented role, I have been exposed to a wide array of marketing, accounting, finance, and information systems principles. Taking this array of business classes has broadened my perspective to understand more about the foundational areas of a business and to assess situations from a multifaceted approach.
What advice would you give to a student looking to major in a business-related field? Work hard and keep an open mind. Try to understand what makes you tick. A good place to start is reflecting on who you are as an individual: your ambitions, skillsets, values. After you understand more of what gets you excited, you can peruse opportunities not because you were told they would suit you, but because they align with what brings you joy. The ‘umbrella’ of business provides such a wide variety of jobs and majors that if you know yourself well enough, you can find fulfillment wherever you go.
What has surprised you most about majoring in business? The importance of emotional intelligence. While EQ may be harder to quantify than IQ, knowing who you are and relating well with others in a given situation is a crucial trait to develop to excel in business and beyond.
Which academic, extracurricular or personal achievement are you most proud of? During the junior year of the BNSF Neeley Leadership program, our cohort was dedicated to an Impact Project. Tasked only with the ambiguous goal to ‘make a positive impact on your community’ in groups no larger than four, my two teammates and I decided to address the issue of food insecurity partnering with the YMCA and the Tarrant County Food Bank. Over six months, the three of us developed and taught a series of courses at the YMCA addressing the side effects of food insecurity to 60 8- to 15-year-old kids. Additionally, each class concluded with a hands-on demonstration of how to cook a health-conscious meal that each student then brought home to share with their family – over 400 meals were taken home.
Which classmate do you most admire? Chris Crump. Every time after Chris voices a thought in class, there is always a pause because his comments take the conversation to a deeper level. Anyone who knows Chris can attest to his impressive intelligence, but who he chooses to be in addition to his dedication to his passions is why I admire him so deeply. I have never met an individual with such a high level of intention and compassion behind every action. With level-headedness and empathy, Chris has dropped everything he is doing to support me and I know he would do the same for someone he hardly knows. He is a servant leader to his core. Chris is conscious of doing good in the world at every stage in life and I have confidence in saying he will go on to earn wonderful achievements. I could not be more thankful for his presence in my life.
Who would you most want to thank for your success? Mavis Tang. Mavis graduated a year above me and has been my role model through and beyond college. She does everything with grace and is able to stay true to herself walking into any room. When she is not starting up her company or reading books, she is championing for human rights and equality. Whether I need a shoulder to lean on, thorough life advice, or someone to impulsively go skydiving with, Mavis has been my go-to person through college. Mavis has had a profound impact on who I am today, and I feel lucky to have a friendship like ours.
What are the top two items on your professional bucket list? Become a more well-rounded mentor. Having specific skillsets to teach those who have not been able to have the experiences, I have been fortunate enough to have. I have been blessed with a very supportive family, network, and opportunities and I want to continually learn so I can give more to those who haven’t had the same privilege as I have benefited from.
Working internationally: learning about cultures different than my own fascinates and energizes me. Gaining experience living internationally would increase my capacity to better understand people and step outside my cultural norms.
What are your hobbies?
- Reading
- Cooking
- Running
- Pickup basketball
- Late-night cookie runs
What made Rachael such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2020?
“Rachael is an amazing supply chain senior who did a summer internship with Dell in Austin. I received feedback from a TCU alumnus, Hien Tran, at Dell, who said, “Just wanted to reach out and give you an update on Rachael Haugh. She just finished her internship and CRUSHED it. She was a perfect culture fit for Dell and represented TCU and the BNSF Neely Leadership program extremely well. So well, that she was 1 of 9 (out of 54 eligible) interns to receive an offer for SCDP. Rachel was absolutely incredible. We feel as though she is the best Horned Frog intern to EVER work for Dell (including one of our all-star SCDP alums that’s currently Chief of Staff within the company). She impressed not only me but many of our leaders, and I think she embodies passion, humility, genuine empathy, and a true growth mindset besides her billion other strengths.”
Susan Sledge
Program Director
BNSF Neeley Leadership