2021 Best & Brightest Business Major: Drew Bullock, Emory University (Goizueta)

Drew Bullock

Emory University, Goizueta Business School

The woman who puts busy in business.”

Fun fact about yourself: I share my birthday with two people in my family. My second cousin on my dad’s side and my uncle on my mom’s side

Hometown: Durham, NC

High School: Charles E. Jordan High School

Major: Business Administration (CPA Accounting & Information Systems and Operations Management) & Master in Professional Accounting

Minor: N/A

Favorite Business Course: Data Visualization

Extracurricular Activities, Community Work and Leadership Roles During College:

  • Ron Brown Scholars Program: Captain
  • Ngambika (Emory Step Team and Service Org): Publicity and Historian Chair
  • Emory New Student Orientation: Orientation Leader
  • Goziueta Black Student Association: Communications Committee & VP of Administration
  • Management and Leader for Tomorrow (MLT): Career Prep Fellow
  • Goizueta Admission Office: Pre-BBA Coach
  • Emory Commission for Racial and Social Justice: Intern
  • PAWS Atlanta: Volunteer
  • Beta Alpha Psi – Epsilon Upsilon Chapter: President

Where have you interned during your college career? (List Companies, Locations and Roles)

  • Summer 2019 – Deloitte Discovery Intern
  • Summer 2020 – Deloitte Internal Audit Intern
  • Fall 2020 – Goodwin Law Finance Intern
  • Spring 2021 – Sedgwick Forensic Accounting Intern

Where will you be working after graduation? FTI Consulting as a Dispute Advisory Consultant

What company do you admire most? There is no one company that I admire most because I think they all have places that they can improve. I admire any company that backs up their promises with actionable steps to make change and better the world in some way.

Who is your favorite professor? I love all of Emory’s accounting department, but my favorite professor is Usha Rackliffe because she is able to take subject as difficult and complex as tax and make it fun and understandable and make it applicable to relatable scenarios.

What is the biggest lesson you gained from studying business? The biggest lesson I gained from studying business is that you always have to keep who will be affected by decisions in kind. Whether it is a marketing campaign, a change in a product, or a software upgrade people will be affected and you always want that to be in a positive way.

What advice would you give to a student looking to major in a business-related field? Business is the language of the world whether you are working at a startup, becoming a doctor, or volunteering you will encounter some business practice or insight. Majoring in business will set you up to be successful in whatever you do in our career.

What has surprised you most about majoring in business? What surprised me most was the diverse students that come to business school. You always think of people whose dads are in the C-Suite or people who live and breathe the stock market, but there are some other things that have to do with business and it brings in such a wide range of people

Looking back over your experience, what is the one thing you’d do differently in business school and why? I would have taken more classes outside my concentration because I realized that no matter where you go in business, you will touch different segments – so understanding all of them will help.

Which academic, extracurricular or personal achievement are you most proud of? It was the creation of the Goziueta BBA Book Fund. The BBA Book Fund assists students who are struggling financially by paying for the textbooks for the semester. Before, there was an informal process where you had to seek out help, but my CRSJ team and I wanted to formalize the process because its not always easy for students to ask for help, especially when it comes to finances.

Which classmate do you most admire? The classmate that I admire most is Jael Kerandi. Although we are not classmates in the traditional sense of attending the same school, we are in the same MLT cohort and she has done so many amazing things. She was the student body president at the university of Minnesota when the George Floyd murder happened and the way she was able to quickly, calmly, and with the utmost care make substantial change for her university is something that should be remember for years to come. That woman is amazing.

Who would you most want to thank for your success?

I am going to choose one unit and that is my extended family. They have been a huge support system for me my whole life. They have been encouraging in everything I do, pushing me to do better, comforting me in hard times, and giving a reality check when needed. They have been always people I know I can rely on through thick-and-thin and can make me laugh when I’m done. I would nowhere without my family: aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmas, parents, and sister.

What are the top two items on your professional bucket list?

  • Work on a project where I get to travel internationally.
  • Work on a project involving someone famous.

What are your hobbies? Yoga

My sister and I have a podcast called “Raised with Reality” that talks about reality tv shows we grew up watching.

What made Drew such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2021?

“One of the many characteristics that makes Drew such an asset to the BBA Program is the degree to which she is “all in,” all the time.  She enthusiastically agrees to every opportunity with which she is presented and makes a meaningful difference across an incredibly wide array of pursuits. Whether she is bringing in corporate leaders to provide incremental professional insights for her fellow accounting students, helping new freshmen get acclimated to Emory, or assisting the BBA Program in creating a structurally and experientially equitable environment through her work as a social justice intern, Drew is proactive and dedicated.  As her favorite professor, Usha Racjcliffe says, ”Drew is the embodiment of an awesome student and enthusiastic leader in Beta Alpha Psi.  She demonstrates an extraordinary intellect, an ebullient spirit and an extravagance in grace and grit. Oh, and her glorious smile! What a marvelous addition to the CPA profession!”

Andrea Hershatter
Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
Goizueta Business School
Emory University