2024 Best & Brightest Business Major: Keri Gilligan, Bucknell University (Freeman)

Keri Gilligan

Bucknell University, Freeman College of Management

“A passionate learner, thoughtful friend, travel enthusiast, and self-proclaimed foodie.” 

Fun fact about yourself:  I have a food review and cooking Instagram account where I have been able to share my favorite recipes and restaurant finds.

Hometown: Malden, Massachusetts

High School: Malden High School

Major: Business Analytics

Minor: Peace Studies

Favorite Business Course: My favorite business course was Introduction to Organization and Management, more commonly referred to as Management 101. In this class, my classmates and I learned about business organization and theory through a hands-on project where we created a company that raised over $4,000 for Disabled American Veterans of Williamsport through a golf tournament and fundraiser. This course strengthened my ability to work in teams and enabled me to lead a mission-driven project that had a positive impact on the local community.

Extracurricular Activities, Community Work and Leadership Roles During College: Posse Foundation Full-Tuition Leadership Scholarship, Posse Scholar; Management 100, Co-Lead Freeman Fellow teaching assistant/mentor; Freeman Student Advisory Board, Inclusivity Chair Spring/Fall 2022; Teaching & Learning Center, Economics Principles & Corporate Finance facilitator; Freeman Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Alliance, President Fall 2022; New Student Orientation Assistant; International Student Orientation Assistant, Consulting Club, Women in Finance, Omega Rho Honor Society.

Where have you interned during your college career? Over the past four years, I have interned with Bioprocure as an accounts payable intern in Woburn, MA, with Privé Technologies as a sales intern in Singapore, and with Deloitte as a Government & Public Services Consulting intern in Harrisburg, PA.

Where will you be working after graduation? After graduation, I will be returning to Deloitte as a Business Technology Analyst in their Government & Public Services Consulting practice in Boston, MA.

Who is your favorite business professor? My favorite business professor has been Professor Serra, who teaches in the Department of Analytics & Operations Management. I am currently taking his SQL & Database Management class, making this my third semester having him as a professor. I admire Professor Serra because he encourages all of his students to be intentional about their education and to take full advantage of what Bucknell has to offer. I also value his belief in failing forward by learning from past mistakes, which I experienced firsthand through his three-question quizzes during Introduction to Programming. I leave each of his classes having learned something new. His teaching approach encourages students to become comfortable with discomfort as we tackle challenging problems, and his lectures include guided practices that foster an environment where students feel encouraged to ask questions. He has always prioritized making himself available to students whether that is for personal or academic needs, showing his commitment to his students’ success.

What is the biggest lesson you gained from studying business? The biggest lesson I have learned from studying business has been the importance of being adaptable while remaining curious. Through the many group projects, I have been a part of in my management classes, whether for my capstone analytics class or my introductory marketing class, I have been tested on my ability to quickly adapt to new challenges and changing criteria. I am hopeful that this mindset will make me a dynamic leader and will translate to those around me.

What has surprised you most about majoring in business? Bucknell’s emphasis on creating a holistic education through the liberal arts curriculum has allowed me to explore my wide range of interests across disciplines. However, I was surprised at how often the skills that I learned in my management classes have applied to my classes outside of the Freeman College of Management and vice versa.

For example, the skills I learned in Perspective Analytics, such as how to break down a large problem into smaller more manageable subproblems and to identify objectives and constraints, are the same techniques I applied to my Korean History class where I aimed to understand why the United States’ perception of South Korea has changed over the past century. Although seemingly independent, my coursework in management, humanities, and social science has allowed me to develop the critical thinking skills to tackle a variety of important problems.

Which academic, extracurricular or personal achievement are you most proud of? I am most proud of the reason I am at Bucknell to begin with—earning a full-tuition leadership scholarship through the Posse Foundation. I will never forget December 6, 2019, when I got the call from Annie Drapeau ‘88, Chair of the Posse Boston Advisory Board and Vice Chair of the Bucknell Board of Trustees, sharing the news that I was going to Bucknell. The Posse Foundation uses an extensive three-round interview process to bring future leaders to college campuses around the country. I was applying among thousands of students in the Greater Boston area to get a chance to attend Bucknell. While this is an achievement I am proud of, it would not be possible without guidance from high school mentors and continued support from college mentors. I always keep the Posse Foundation at the forefront of my mind as I consider how to make an impact on Bucknell’s campus.

Which classmate do you most admire? I admire my classmate and friend Allie Lynch (Finance ‘24) for her continuous commitment to learning and for pushing herself outside her comfort zone. From the moment I met Allie, I could see the enthusiasm she has for everything she does. Allie and I worked as co-facilitators for a Corporate Finance study group and, not only did she bring her expertise in finance, but she created the most welcoming and fun environment for other students to learn. Her involvement in Bucknell’s Student Managed Investment Fund continues to amaze me as I hear her weekly updates about the class. Allie has been an amazing friend and I cannot wait to be alongside her as she achieves her goals.

Who would you most want to thank for your success? I attribute much of my success to my mom for instilling a strong work ethic in me. My earliest memories are of my mom celebrating all of my small wins and teaching me that hard work is paramount. As a single parent, she set an example of what it meant to be a hardworking person, both personally and professionally, while always putting family first. Not only did she serve as my role model, but my mom has continuously shown up for me whether it was cheering in the audience at my dance recitals, patiently watching alongside the court at my tennis matches, or congratulating me as I found out about my acceptance to Bucknell. She has created an environment full of love and support that has allowed me to have the mindset to thrive here at Bucknell. I will forever be thankful for the sacrifices she has made to allow me to work toward my greatest goals.

What are the top two items on your professional bucket list? Aligning with my interest in traveling and exploring other cultures, I would like to work abroad again at some point in my professional career. A larger professional goal would be to one day start a business venture that reflects my values of community and innovation.

What made Keri such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2024?

“Keri Gilligan stands out for her dedication and passion for learning. We had countless interactions outside the classroom, including in semesters when she was not my student and at times in which she was not even on campus. She is the kind of student who will reach out because she legitimately wants to understand everything related to her courses and the profession. She is also the kind of person who engages in initiatives to make Bucknell and the Freeman College of Management a better place, and who makes meaningful contributions whenever she offers help. She volunteered in orientation activities, engaged faculty with the Posse Foundation, and served as president of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Alliance. She is going places, and I am certain that she will come back to share about that with us and our future students.”

Thiago Serra, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Analytics and Operations Management
Affiliate Faculty in Latin American Studies