Rachel Fowler: 2016 Best and Brightest

Rachel Fowler Carnegie Mellon

Rachel Fowler

Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper School of Business

Hometown: Apex, N.C.

High School: Holly Springs High School

Major: Business Administration

Minors: Arabic Language & Culture, Health Care Policy & Management

Favorite Business Courses: Finance, Operations Management

Extracurricular Activities, Community Work and Leadership Roles During College Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society, Alpha Kappa Psi Vice President of Administration (present), Global Medical Brigades member (2013-2014), Lambda Sigma Honors Society Vice President of Administration (2013-2014)

Where have you interned during your college career?

UNC Healthcare PR Intern, Raleigh, NC

United Nations Relief and Works Agency Research Intern, Amman, Jordan

Cigna Global Marketing Intern, Hartford, CT

Describe your dream job: I would love to lead humanitarian aid projects regarding health and education for communities either abroad or in the U.S. My immediate goal is to research sustainable methods to improve communities that suffer from displacement or emergency situations.

What did you enjoy most about majoring in a business-related field? I enjoyed learning about all the subjects within business, such as finance, operations, and marketing, and how they intersect. I also enjoyed learning about the combination of technology and business to make operations more efficient. Overall, I love how business can apply to all industries, including non-profits, and requires an understanding of multiple markets.

Where would you like to work after graduation? I would like to work for an international development agency such as Development Alternatives or an NGO such as Save the Children. I would find considerable enjoyment and fulfillment with a role in research, project management, or consulting.

What are your long-term professional goals? Long-term, I want to work for USAID or a UN entity such as UNICEF or UN Women. My vision is to be a program director for humanitarian aid programs either abroad or domestic. I plan on living in the U.S., but I expect a job like this will take me to around the globe and build my international experience.

“I knew I wanted to major in business when…I read about Helene Gayle, the CEO of the nonprofit CARE at the time, and her investment in her international development work.”

“If I didn’t major in business, I would be…a mathematics major. I love math, and this quantitative background could still apply to my interest in a career in research.” 

 What was the happiest moment of your life? I have had many happy life moments, but I would say the happiest is a combination of the time I have spent with my good friends at Carnegie Mellon. They have challenged my beliefs and have brought me so many laughable memories that lifted me up through the workload and stress of college.

Which academic or personal achievement are you most proud of? Last year, I studied abroad in Amman, Jordan, through a program that allowed me to conduct my own research project. I interviewed Syrian refugees, health clinic employees, and United Nations Population Fund employees on the health effects of child marriage among Syrian refugees. Although my research was short-term, I can apply it to future research that hopefully will find sustainable ways to prevent the health effects of child marriage. I was very passionate about this project and feel proud to lead its implementation.

What animal would you choose to represent your professional brand? In terms of my professional brand, I prefer to listen and to observe as much as I can before taking any action, so I think an owl best represents me.

Who would you most want to thank for your success? Both of my parents are at the core of whatever success I enjoy. They’re very open-minded and accepting of whatever I pursue, and they provide a very supportive environment.

Fun fact about yourself: When I was in the first grade, I broke the adult record at my karate studio for most kicks without putting my leg down.

Favorite book: As I Lay Dying

Favorite movie: Pan’s Labyrinth

Favorite musical performer: Frank Sinatra

Favorite vacation spot: Anywhere in the mountains

What are your hobbies? Dancing, painting, running

What made Rachel such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2016?

“Classmates like Rachel make the Tepper School such an enriching student environment. I’d say that her educational and career goals are very interesting and quite distinctive. There are not many students like her, who learn Arabic, study abroad in Amman, Jordan, and want to work in health care policy in the Middle East.”

Stephen G. Pajewski
Executive Director
Tepper School Undergraduate Business Program, Carnegie Mellon University