Top Schools Where Students ‘Don’t Inhale’


No one strays from the straight and narrow at these schools, probably. The Princeton Review’s yearly “Don’t Inhale” list identifies the top 20 schools that eschew marijuana, and frequenting the top of the list are Brigham Young University (Utah) and all five United States Service Academies.

Interestingly, of the nine schools that made the list every year for the past six years, every one of them is also a regular on the “Most Conservative Students” list.

“Don’t Inhale” is based on students’ answers to the survey question, “How widely is marijuana used at your school?” Naturally, the results of the survey must be considered with a grain of salt, as students at certain schools may be disinclined to admit to illegal activities.

All the same, it’s interesting to know which student bodies officially reject weed. Here are the schools where students don’t inhale:

The ‘Don’t Inhale’ Rankings From 2015 to 2010


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2015 Rank & School 2015 Rank 2014 Rank 2013 Rank 2012 Rank 2011 Rank 2010 Rank
 United States Coast Guard Academy  1  2  1  2  1  2
 Brigham Young University (UT)  2  3  3  4  2  1
 United States Military Academy  3  1  6  7  5  5
 United States Naval Academy  4  6  5  6  3  3
 United States Merchant Marine Academy  5  8  8  9  6  8
 Thomas Aquinas College  6  4  2  3  7  7
 College of the Ozarks  7  5  4  5  10  10
 Wheaton College (IL)  8  7  7  8  8  6
 City University of New York – Brooklyn College  9  12  12  NR  NR  NR
 Grove City College  10  9  NR  NR  14  14
 Hillsdale College  11  10  11  12  13  13
 Wesleyan College  12  11  NR  NR  9  9
 Calvin College  13  NR  13  15  17  NR
 United States Air Force Academy  14  NR  9  1  4  4
 City University of New York – Baruch College  15  14  15  19  NR  NR
 City University of New York – City College  16  16  16  NR  NR  NR
 City University of New York – Queens College  17  17  17  20  NR  20
 Agnes Scott College  18  15  NR  NR  19  NR
 Webb Institute  19  NR  NR  NR  11  11
 Gordon College  20  NR  NR  NR  NR  NR
 National University of Ireland, Maynooth  NR  13  NR  NR  NR  NR
 University of Dallas  NR  18  20  NR  18  19
 Creighton University  NR  19  NR  13  NR  NR
 Stephens College  NR  20  NR  NR  NR  NR
 Westminster College (PA)  NR  NR  10  NR  NR  NR
 University of Notre Dame  NR  NR  14  14  12  12
 Furman University  NR  NR  18  NR  NR  16
 Baylor University  NR  NR  19  NR  NR  NR
 University of Tulsa  NR  NR  NR  10  NR  NR
 Ohio Northern University  NR  NR  NR  11  20  NR
 Samford University  NR  NR  NR  16  16  17
 Centenary College of Louisiana  NR  NR  NR  17  NR  NR
 University of Louisiana at Lafayette  NR  NR  NR  18  NR  NR
 California State University, Stanislaus  NR  NR  NR  NR  15  15
 Valparaiso University  NR  NR  NR  NR  NR  18

Source: The Princeton Review