Hello potential Kenan-Flagler students and parents! My name is Michael Walker, and I am a sophomore in the undergraduate business program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Kenan-Flagler Business School. As I progress through my first semester in the program, I hope to offer you all insight into what Kenan-Flagler and UNC have to offer.
I’d like to start with my three favorite aspects of Kenan-Flagler (which are subject to change once I spend more than a month in the school). I’ve loved just about everything in my experience at Kenan-Flagler, but thus far the three things that have left an impression upon me have been the quality of the facilities, the faculty, and Cafe McColl.
The facilities of Kenan-Flagler have stood out to me since I was a B-school hopeful as a freshman taking BUSI 101. Every morning spent in the Koury business building (including one that went viral thanks to Luke Maye making his 8 a.m. course the day after hitting a game winner in the Elite Eight of the NCAA March Madness basketball tournament) and every evening spent in McColl served as an extra bit of motivation to get into the business school. The professional atmosphere of the school always helped remind me that I wanted a place among the community found there.
Beyond the state-of-the-art facilities, every member of the Kenan-Flagler staff helps to build this professional atmosphere. I’ve yet to leave an interaction with anyone associated with Kenan-Flagler unimpressed. The professors of Kenan-Flagler are of particular impressiveness. One moment that stands out in my mind took place the night before the first day of my BUSI 405: Organizational Behavior course. I was reading a Times article on humble bragging when I had to do a double take. The research the article was covering was done by Professor Ovul Sezer, who I met the next morning in my 9:30.
Cafe McColl is unique in that it is populated by not only undergrads, but also contains an assortment of MBA and MAC (Master of Accountancy) students. This special dynamic allows 20-year-olds like myself the opportunity to talk and learn from people who are typically just a few years removed from their undergrad days. These graduate students often have work experience with the very companies that us undergrads are aiming to work for following graduation.
Thank you for following and I look forward to updating you on my time at Kenan-Flagler as the semester progresses.