Hult International Business School students
Was your business school experience life-changing?
College can — and probably should — be a life-changing experience. For many, it’s their first time living away from home. It’s often a time for new experiences and decisions made can set life courses. This year, graduates of Wharton reported the highest score in this category with a 9.48. Georgetown University (9.25) and Hult International Business School (9.22) rounded out the top three, respectively. Last year, Wharton also led the category, but with an average score of 9.47. Hult led the category in 2020 with a whopping 9.90.
Overall this year, the average was 7.97 across all schools, down from all previous years. Last year the average was 8.03, which was lower than 2020’s average score of 8.26. It’s also lower than in 2019 (8.35) and 2018 (8.26).