Abigail Fielding
University of Florida (Heavener)
“In need of a stress ball 90% of the time.”
Fun fact about yourself: I only wear a contact in one eye
Hometown: Crystal River, FL
High School: Lecanto High School
Major: Finance
Minor: Real Estate
Favorite Business Course: Ethics in Global Business
Extracurricular Activities, Community Work and Leadership Roles During College:
Activities, Community Work, and Leadership:
- Career and Academic Peer Mentor, Warrington College of Business
- Co-Instructor of Warrington Welcome, a first year introduction to business course (taught the class 4 times in person, 2 times online)
- Mentor, Business Undergraduate Mentorship Program
- Director of Ethics Case Competition, Warrington Welcome
- Business Ethics Ambassador, Warrington College of Business
- Career Coach, Effective Career Management Course
- Facilitator, Heavener Leadership Challenge (also Mentor and Participant in program prior to)
- Volunteer, Enactus
- Vice President of Marketing, Global Business Society (Director of Recruitment prior to)
- Site Leader, Florida Alternative Breaks
- Mentor, MentorUF
- University Scholar, Center for Undergraduate Research
- Most Outstanding Mentor, Business Undergraduate Mentorship Program
- Session presentation, Association for Practical and Professional Ethics Conference Research Symposium
Where have you interned during your college career?
- Protiviti Consulting, Orlando, FL – Internal Audit and Financial Advisory Intern
- Wells Fargo, Gainesville, FL – Teller/Customer Service Representative
- Modera Wealth Management, Inverness, FL – Financial Advising Intern
Where will you be working after graduation? Protiviti Consulting in Orlando, FL as an Internal Audit Consultant
Who is your favorite professor? My favorite professor was Dr. Michelle Darnell, who taught the Ethics in Global Business course for our college. I loved having Dr. Darnell as a professor because she created an interactive student experience with lots of group work and class discussion. She also always brought in great articles on current events in business that had to do with what we were discussing in class that day.
What did you enjoy most about your business school? Our business school has an insane amount of resources, especially when it comes to getting internships and jobs. We have our own academic advisors, study abroad advisors, and business career services department. On top of that, we have a career week that is exclusive to business students where our college brings in various companies and recruiting representatives to hold information and professional development sessions for students. I really enjoyed these aspects because I never felt worried about finding a job or internship due to always having the support and resources I needed to succeed right in the college.
“If I didn’t major in business, I would be majoring in or studying…architecture or interior design due to my interest in real estate development.”
What has surprised you most about majoring in business? The scope of opportunities really surprised me. The business degree at UF allowed me to specialize in a specific area (I chose finance) and also required me to take several other business courses in Operations, Information Systems, Accounting, Marketing, etc. Because of that, so many doors opened to opportunities across business, not just in the finance sector.
Which academic, extracurricular or personal achievement are you most proud of? I am really proud of the research I conducted as a University Scholar. Completing research was one of the most difficult and time-consuming things I have ever done but it was extremely rewarding. To complete the research, Dr. Michelle Darnell provided superior guidance and advice as my research mentor and helped me discover additional opportunities outside of the university to get involved with research. She introduced me to the APPE Conference that I attended in Dallas, TX in February 2017 where I had applied and been accepted to present my research to the conference attendees. It was an unforgettable experience and something that I was very proud of myself for doing.
If you were a dean for a day, what one thing would you change about the business school? There are few things our dean and business school could do better but if I had to pick something, I’d have tables with coffee set up around the building for all the students.
Which classmate do you most admire? There are so many people that I look up to in the business school that have provided me with such great advice and friendship over the years. One person who stands out to me graduated in December and I had the opportunity to meet her after my freshman year when we interned together at a bank. You could have easily mistaken her freshman self for an extremely accomplished graduating student. She was already doing such big things around the business school and university which I admired about her. I was lucky enough to get to know this awesome person and work with her in student organizations and even as a co-worker at one point over the last few years. I’ve always looked up to her drive and intelligence and hope to accomplish half of the things she has in my future years. You rock, Sochi!
Who would you most want to thank for your success? I’d like to thank my parents because they have supported me and all of my decisions for my entire life. They have always left the ball in my court and have never tried to persuade me to do something that I may not have wanted to do. I have always looked up to them as extremely strong and intelligent individuals and I have achieved the things I have so far as a direct result from their love and support over the years.
What would your theme song be? “Pocket full of Sunshine” by Natasha Bedingfield because I try to always maintain an optimistic and upbeat attitude
What are the top two items on your bucket list? Right now it is to run a half marathon and travel to all 50 states
Favorite book: A Million Little Pieces by James Frey
Favorite movie: Bridesmaids
Favorite vacation spot: The beach
What are your hobbies? Running, cooking, spending time with family and friends, relaxing at the pool or beach
What made Abby such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2018?
“What sets Abby apart is her enthusiasm around mentoring her peers to seek out critical learning and growth opportunities for themselves. Through her numerous leadership efforts, she has had a transformative impact on both the Heavener School and so many of our students. Abby has served as a peer coach, mentor and teacher through various Heavener School programs. She taught well over 100 Heavener students across four sections of our signature freshman engagement course “Intro to Business.” Abby extended her mentorship through our Career and Academic Peer (CAP) mentor program, working with hundreds of students to help them secure internships and jobs. Her own extensive career development activity with internships and leadership programs with firms such as Protiviti, Deutsche Bank and Altria served to inspire her mentees as to what is possible through focus, determination and enthusiasm. Abby embraced every facet of the Heavener experience and inspired her fellow students to do the same. She is one of our signature student leaders whose positive energy, engagement and enthusiasm helps us deliver transcendent outcomes for the students we are trusted to serve.”
Dr. Alexander Sevilla, Ed.D.
Associate Dean & Director, Heavener School of Business