Top Business Majors Name Their Favorite Professors

Larry Chavis

Larry Chavis

“My favorite professor is Dr. Larry Chavis, who has been an amazing mentor to me. Both professionally and personally, Professor Chavis has forced me to expand my thinking and grow to be a more mature individual. He was the faculty lead on my Global Immersion elective about emerging Asian markets, and his expertise on analyzing weak institutions in developing nations grew my interest in that area. That course included a two week immersion in Asia, which required both of us to plan a visit for 30 of my peers to explore Beijing, Shanghai, and Ho Chi Minh City. On a personal note, Dr. Chavis and I both share Native American ancestry, and that has led to a mutual interest in the entrepreneurship of rural minority groups. Throughout my time knowing him, Dr. Chavis has been an incredible teacher and friend – I would not be the same student without his example for me.”  – Stetson Starkey, University of North Carolina (Kenan-Flagler)

Asaf Manela: Professor Manela has an extensive background in the fields of business and computer science and led an incredibly interesting class (Options, Futures, and Derivative Securities), which solidified my passion for Finance.” – Alex Ranney, Washington University (Olin) 


Create The Right Atmosphere

“My favorite professor is Matt Statler, Richman Family Director of Business Ethics and Social Impact Programming and Clinical Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations. He makes the classroom feel like a community and creates an atmosphere that allows for meaningful discussions around the issues that matter most. Rather than talking at students or creating a classroom script, the essence of his class is generated by student input. This leads to far superior learning and growth opportunities. Furthermore, he is incredibly passionate and truly cares about his students and the community as a whole.”  – Samir Goel, New York University (Stern)

Cynthia Tessien

Cynthia Tessien

Professor Cynthia Tessien was my favorite professor because of her engaging teaching style and her ability to make an accounting class interesting. I enjoyed coming to her class. Professor Ben King was my other favorite professor because he taught me the art of negotiations and I absolutely loved that class.” –Ryan Janvion, Wake Forest University

Professor Lisa Szykman is my favorite professor because of her enthusiasm and relevance of her classes. She prepares students for the real world and brings important trends into her lectures. Professor Szykman has also has provided me with valuable advice over the years and has connected me with career opportunities.” – Erica Amatori, College of William and Mary (Mason)

“My favorite business professor is Marie Halvorsen-Ganepola, who works in the Department of Management. Although a professor, she prefers to be addressed as Marie, which helps to create a business-like atmosphere in the classroom, where authority is clearly established, but titles are not addressed as such. Marie was my professor for Introduction to Management, and she created a classroom experience that extended far beyond facts, books, and memorization. Marie implemented curricula that put the concepts into action. Marie also cares about her students, and she tries to meet her students where they are, so they all have the potential to do well in the class, while enjoying the learning process.”  – Ethan Muehlstein, University of Notre Dame

Dr. Albert Niemi

Dr. Albert Niemi

Approachable To Students

“My personal experiences over the past several years as a student have taught me that even the most difficult or tedious subjects can be bearable as long as you have the right professor. While I have had several excellent professors at SMU, my favorite has been Dr. Albert Niemi, Dean of the Cox School of Business. As a sophomore I took Evolution of American Capitalism with Dean Niemi and I can say in all honesty that I looked forward to attending every class period. He made each lecture interesting and, although history has never been my favorite subject, I was always excited to learn what was next. It is a remarkable feat when the Dean of a business school is able and eager to form relationships with undergraduate students (his main students are the MBA students), but even more so when he is so approachable. Dean Niemi remembers the names of his students outside of the classroom and is remarkably caring, taking time to learn details about our personal lives. He always asks how my mom is doing when I run into him in the hallways and remembers the details of when we first met at The Brown Palace in Denver during a BBA Scholar reception held before I had even committed to SMU. These are the little things that are so important and can make a huge difference in the in and out of class experience.” Sabrina Janski, Southern Methodist University (Cox)

Provide Inspiration

Dr. Jonathan Giuliano (Professor of my Strategic Management & International Business courses). Professor Giuliano is a motivator, a strategic thinker, and a leader. He encourages his students to dream big and to not be afraid of failure. He teaches his classes directly from his experiences consulting for Fortune 500 CEOs, specifically in relation to their strategic and international operations. His lessons taught in class have proven to be invaluable throughout my internships, and I believe his insight will continue to influence my career post-graduation.” – Nick Cardamone, Georgia Tech University (Scheller)

Gianna Bern

Gianna Bern

“I believe a good professor is someone who inspires students to become active learners and engage with the course material by applying it to real-world situations. My favorite professor is someone who embodies this key quality: Gianna Bern. After taking her Financial Statement Analysis my junior year, I was motivated to take what I learned in class and apply it to the real world through case study applications and during my summer internship.” – Cristina Gutierrez, University of Notre Dame (Mendoza)

“While I’ve had many phenomenal professors, Scott Abrams, Adjunct Professor in Marshall’s Finance & Business Economics Department and Executive Director for Sony Finance, was my favorite professor I’ve had. Despite working a full-time role at Sony’s Finance division, Professor Abrams made a commitment towards teaching his Business Finance class early for those who sought his outstanding teaching style. He grounded the financial concepts with his work experience both in Sony and other relevant companies that student could easily empathize with. This contextualized teaching style, along with an intellectually stimulating mindset and optimistic attitude, made his class worth waking up at 7 a.m. to attend. Lastly, Professor Abrams was personally invested in all his students’ careers. He openly invited students who were interested in any profession to chat with him. Ultimately, I credit Professor Abrams to sparking my flame and excitement towards finance, which ultimately led me to start a career in investment banking.” – Murali Joshi, University of Southern California (Marshall)

“Communications Professor Jeanette Heidewald. Jeanette gave me my most valuable professional skillset: Talking and emailing persuasively in the workplace. Not only that, but Jeanette’s world traveling inspired me to study abroad and she’s taken time to sit down with me over the past 4 years, no matter what I’m asking.” – Jalen Walker, Indiana University (Kelley)