Report Card: How Alums Grade Their B-School Experience

Would you recommend the business program to a close friend or colleague?

It’s the ultimate net promoter question. And we believe it’s one of the most important questions on the survey, which is why we put it first. Overall, would you recommend your business program to a close friend or colleague? In the days of crowd-sourced reviews, it’s pertinent and an easy way to decipher which schools are having satisfied customers — and which schools are not. These days, a purchase is rarely made — be it a bahn mi sandwich or laptop — without at least some consideration of customer reviews.

So which school had the most satisfied 2017 graduates? That would be Lipscomb University, which earned an average of 9.93. It’s the highest score we’ve seen in the four-year history of the ranking — up from Boston College’s 9.91 score last year and 9.87 the prior year from Indiana Kelley graduates. The average across all schools was 9.31, which is sightly lower than last year’s 9.33 and exactly the same as two years ago when the average was also 9.31. Generally, business schools are getting some very high ratings in this category.