How would you appraise the effectiveness of the business program’s academic advising?
Academic advising can be a very helpful piece to any undergraduate experience — especially at larger schools with many different professors and courses and concentrations and tracks. According to this year’s survey, the University of Pittsburgh’s College of Business does it better than any other school. Alumni from Pittsburgh gave the school a 9.41 average, topping Notre Dame’s Mendoza College (9.38) and The College of William & Mary’s Mason School (9.32). The average across all schools was 8.34, which was on the lower side across all 16 question prompts.
Indeed, recent alums seemed to be less satisfied with the academic advising at their alma maters when compared to other aspects in which they were surveyed. Only 11 schools earned at least a 9.0 average or higher. Some 21 schools finished with less than 8.0 and one school bottomed out at 6.4 for the category. If there is one area where schools can look to improve, it would be in academic advising efforts.