Report Card: How Alumni Grade Undergrad Biz Programs

Largely on the basis of its perceived creative environment and friendliness to work-life balance, Google is the most desired employer in an annual survey of about 150,000 business students worldwide. Google photo

Evaluate how well the business program prepared you for the world of work.

Once again, recent alums are feeling good about their B-school experiences. And in how prepared they were for their early careers, alums generally gave their schools rave reviews. This year, Seton Hall takes the top spot with a 9.74 average. Two schools scored higher than last year’s highest score, which was 9.61 from alums of Virginia’s McIntire School. This year’s average of 8.85 across all 88 schools was a slight uptick from last year’s average of 8.82. Simply put, business schools are doing what they should be doing and getting their young alums ready for the business world.

An impressive 38 out of 88 schools notched scores of 9.0 or higher. Only six schools scored lower than 8.0 and the lowest school — Lipscomb University — scored 7.57, which was higher than last year’s lowest score of 7.39.