Evaluate how well the business program prepared you for the world of work.
Let’s be real. Finding a good job immediately after graduation is a high priority for the majority of business majors. Whether it’s making an impact and contribution to society or making a bunch of money or both, students from top business schools are looking to enter some of the world’s largest and most influential firms immediately after graduation. So, being prepared to enter that world of work is important. And, now, with the pandemic, feeling prepared is even more crucial.
This year, graduates of the University of Virginia McIntire School of Commerce and The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, rated their business program highest, at 9.57. It’s an increase from last year’s highest school, which was Bucknell University at 9.50. Indiana Kelley rounded out the top-three with a score of 9.47. At 8.59, the overall average is a drop from previous years. Last year, the average was 8.76. And the two years before that were 8.85 and 8.82, respectively. Overall, 23 schools of the 93 schools included had at least a score of 9.0, which is down from 31 of 83 schools last year and 38 of 88 schools the year before that.